
Special configuration settings for monitoring in XTC.

Monitoring Configuration

To view a monitoring project's configuration, your account must at least have the role of a tester within the project.

Read-Only Settings

The Configuration of a monitoring project is very similar to the basic project configuration, but there are a few special settings for this project type. The following settings are for your information only and can be changed by XTC administrators only:

  • Data Persistence (how long certain data, like Execution History, will be persisted), and
  • Execution Environment (IP addresses of the machines where monitoring scenarios are running).

Dynamic Repository Branch

To edit the repository configuration, your account must at least have the role of a test manager within the project.

Another specialty for Repository Configuration is that you can define the branch to use by either specifying its name (static branch) or by defining a URL of a resource from which the branch name can be extracted dynamically using a regular expression. (This may be useful if you want to make the used test scenario code dependent on your currently deployed app version.)

Quiet Periods

To configure the quiet periods, your account must at least have the role of a test manager within the project.

You can define Quiet Periods for your monitoring projects. These are time spans in which no notifications will be sent (and, if you configure this, no scenarios will run).

To add a new quiet period, click the + symbol at the top of the Quiet Periods list. You may then define a label, a start time and an end time, and configure whether or not scenarios should be executed in this period. The newly created quiet period will then show up in the list. All periods in the list can be edited, disabled or removed, no matter whether they are in the future, in the past or currently active.

Last modified March 4, 2022