XTC v87


Load Testing

New Feature: Live View of Errors and Events

XTC now displays error and event information from your load test while it is running. This allows you to analyze errors and events as they occur without having to create an interim load test report.

To view errors and events, open the new Error Reporting tab on the details page of your load test. Specify the time period you are interested in and use the search and filter controls to narrow down the list of entries. Error entries include a stack trace, which can be viewed by expanding the entry.

Note that error and event data is stored for 24 hours only.

Other Changes

  • Pinned comparison reports are now displayed in the Pinned Reports table on the project dashboard.
  • Minor UI improvements.
  • Currently available XLT execution environments:


  • The buttons for opening the artifacts associated with a scenario run (result browser, execution log, measurements) are now disabled when the artifacts are no longer available.
  • Work continued on the monitoring project UI refresh.
    • The Properties section on the Settings tab of a monitoring scenario has been reworked. Now there is a Use Defaults checkbox, which you need to uncheck if you want to override properties defined in the scenario defaults. Check the box again to discard scenario-specific settings and revert to the defaults.
Last modified August 9, 2024