Software Used

The open source software and components used to build this documentation.

Our goal in building a new and comprehensive documentation for XLT was to use open source components for this as well. Below you find a list of frameworks, fonts and their respective licenses which we put to work to create the documentation you are now reading.



The documentation is built with Hugo, which boasts being “one of the most popular open-source static site generators” and, like XLT, is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.

Theme: Docsy

Hugo can be run using a number of predefined themes as well as your own themes - we are using the Docsy theme as a base and add our CI flavor to this. Docsy is a theme specifically designed “for technical documentation sets” and also comes with an Apache 2.0 license.


Roboto and Ubuntu Mono

The fonts that are used in the documentation are Roboto and Ubuntu Mono, originally both part of the Google fonts project but hosted on our own servers. Roboto is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license while Ubuntu Mono comes with the Ubuntu font license.


Search: Algolia DocSearch

The documentation search is using Algolia DocSearch which is free for all technical documentation websites of open source projects and is itself licensed under an MIT license. You can learn more about their privacy policy here.

Image Viewer: Lightbox

To display images nicely, we are using Lightbox by Victor Diego, which is licensed under the MIT license.

Other Javascript Libraries

Other Javascript libraries used by this documentation (hosted on our own servers) are:

Last modified March 4, 2022