Result Data

All about the XLT result data which is captured during a performance test and stored in CSV files for further processing.

Collected Values

During a load test, the XLT framework automatically collects a lot of information about transactions, actions, and requests being executed as well as event information. Additional custom timers can be added programmatically using the XLT API. Last but not least, each agent process monitors its resource usage and logs these values.

These values are stored separately for each test case and each virtual user in files named results/<TestCaseName>/<UserNo>/timers.csv. Agent resource usage data is written to results/Agent-JVM-Monitor/0/timers.csv. As the name already suggests, the file format is CSV. See the following example:


The lines have a different number of columns as they represent different types of information. The following table describes the meaning of every column depending on the data record type:

Column Transaction Action Request Page Load Timing Web Vital Custom Timer Event Agent Resource Usage Custom Value
1 T A R P W C E J V
2 name name name name name name name agent name name
3 start time start time start time start time time start time time time time
4 run time [ms] run time [ms] run time [ms] run time [ms] value1 run time [ms] transaction name current CPU usage (agent only) [%] value
5 failed flag failed flag failed flag failed flag - failed flag event message used main memory (absolute) -
6 exception stack trace2 - bytes sent - - - - current main memory usage (relative) [%] -
7 name of last action2 - bytes received - - - - used heap memory (absolute) -
8 user index2 - response code - - - - total heap memory (absolute) -
9 dump dir name2 - request URL - - - - current heap memory usage (relative) [%] -
10 - - response content type - - - - threads in state “runnable” -
11 - - connect time [ms] - - - - threads in state “blocked” -
12 - - send time [ms] - - - - threads in state “waiting” or “timed waiting” -
13 - - server busy time [ms] - - - - minor GC cycles since start -
14 - - receive time [ms] - - - - minor GC time since start [ms] -
15 - - time to first bytes [ms] - - - - current minor GC CPU usage [%] -
16 - - time to last bytes [ms] - - - - full GC cycles since start -
17 - - request ID - - - - full GC time since start [ms] -
18 - - HTTP method3 - - - - current full GC CPU usage [%] -
19 - - form data encoding3 - - - - minor GC time since last update [ms] -
20 - - form data3 - - - - full GC time since last update [ms] -
21 - - domain lookup time [ms] - - - - minor GC cycles since last update -
22 - - resolved IP address(es)4 - - - - full GC cycles since last update -
23 - - response ID - - - - current CPU usage (total) [%] -
24 - - IP address used for the request 5 - - - - - -

  1. Typically, the value represents a duration (measured in milliseconds). For CLS, however, the value is a unitless fractional number that expresses the degree of cumulative layout shift. ↩︎

  2. These values are only present if the transaction has failed, otherwise they are blank. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  3. These values are only present if the property is enabled, otherwise they are blank. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  4. The list of IP addresses reported by DNS for the host name used when making the request. If there is more than one IP address, they will be stored separated by a ‘|’ character. Will not be set if the request did not trigger a DNS address resolution, for example, in case of keep-alive connections. This value is only present if the property xlt.dns.recordAddresses is set to true, otherwise it is blank. ↩︎

  5. The target IP address of the system under test that was used when making the request. This info is useful only if the target system has multiple IP addresses, e.g. if it is located behind a CDN. This value is only present if the property is set to true, otherwise it is blank. ↩︎

Last modified August 21, 2024