XTC v53
- Various minor UI fixes and improvements.
Load Testing
- The way load tests are scheduled for execution at a certain time has changed. The start time is no longer configured on the Settings tab of a load test. Instead, click the Schedule context menu item in the load test table or the Schedule button on the load test details page to open the scheduling dialog. Furthermore, once a load test has been scheduled, its settings can no longer be edited. If you want to change anything, you’ll first need to delete the schedule using the scheduling dialog, make the required changes, and afterward schedule the load test once again.
- The automatic naming of load test results and reports has been improved for more clarity.
- Load test results:
- “Intermediate Result” → “Interim Dataset”
- “Final Result” → “Full Dataset”
- Load test reports:
- “Intermediate Report” → “Interim Report”
- “Final Report” → “Default Report”
- Load test results:
- When starting a load test, XTC needs to wait for an agent machine to be running and for the XLT agent controller on that machine to become responsive. The latter check has been moved from the Upload Project to Agents step to the Provision Agents step. This way, the reported execution times of the provision and upload steps are more correct now.
- When switching to the Status tab of a load test, the current status is now retrieved immediately from the server. Further status updates happen according to the auto-refresh settings.
- Fixed an issue with load test status updates via Slack. Threaded Slack messages do work now also with more than one target channel.
- Currently available XLT execution environments:
- XLT 6.x → 6.2.2
Last modified August 1, 2022